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Does your dog lunge at other dogs on walks?

Does he bark at dogs who pass by your house or yard?

Are vet visits a nightmare?


Your dog can learn to be calm around other dogs!


It can be stressful, frustrating, and even embarrassing when your dog is reactive toward other dogs. As a canine behavior specialist who has helped hundreds of dog-reactive dogs and also rescued and rehabilitated my own dogs, I know how you feel. The good news is that these gentle, effective techniques, tips, and tricks will help to get you and your dog on the path to stress-free dog encounters quickly and safely.


Topics include:


  • How to read your dog’s body language and recognize subtle stress signals
  • Is your dog truly aggressive? Or is it fear-based reactivity?
  • Skills to teach your dog to make walks easier, including one newly adapted from a dog sport
  • Easy-to-follow behavior protocols to change your dog’s feelings toward other dogs
  • How to curb barking at dogs who pass your house or yard, or when riding in the car
  • What to do if you encounter off-leash dogs
  • If the worst happens—how to break up a fight
  • Cool tools and therapies that can help, including a new, unique trick called The Invisible Friend that works like a charm!


Written in a down-to-earth manner with empathy and humor, packed with plenty of photos and helpful illustrations, this step-by-step guide is chock full of step-by-step, immediately useful information. This book is appropriate for owners, dog trainers, rescue workers, and anyone who lives with, works with, or just plain loves and wants to help dogs.


As Tia Torres, star of Pit Bulls & Parolees says, “If you want to turn your lunging, barking buddy into a cool canine around other dogs, get your paws on this book!”




Help for Your Dog-Reactive Dog


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    ©2023 by Nicole Wilde.

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