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Nicole Wilde
Jan 24, 20173 min read
Is No Kill No Good?
It happened again. A dog that was known to have aggression issues attacked a person, severely mauling the woman. In this case the dog was...
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Nicole Wilde
Jan 5, 20174 min read
Dog Trainer Wars
If you’re not a dog trainer, you might not be aware of the divisiveness in the dog training world. (Hint: Think of our current political...
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Nicole Wilde
Dec 27, 20162 min read
Dog Training by Osmosis
This morning, as I was making my breakfast smoothie, Bodhi and Sierra were hyper-attentive as usual. Why, you might wonder, were they so...
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Nicole Wilde
Nov 18, 20162 min read
Can You Reinforce a Dog’s Emotional State?
I recently received an email asking whether I had any books that addressed how to help a dog who was grieving. Since I don’t, I searched...
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Nicole Wilde
Nov 7, 20162 min read
If Looks Could Kill
In my canine body language seminars, I explain that a hard stare is never a good thing, whether in dogs or on a New York subway. (Trust...
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Nicole Wilde
Oct 18, 20162 min read
We Are Our Choices
On the road today, I noticed a bumper sticker on the car in front of me. It said, “Trump. Clinton. We are our choices.” This struck me,...
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Nicole Wilde
Oct 3, 20163 min read
Can a Confident Dog Help a Fearful One?
Misty is a six-month-old Bichon who has been with her family since the age of seven weeks. On walks, Misty seems to be afraid of...
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Nicole Wilde
Jul 12, 20162 min read
Don’t Assume My Dog is Friendly!
It happened again. I was walking along a park trail with Bodhi, enjoying the 6 a.m. calm. That the park is largely empty at that hour is...
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Nicole Wilde
May 19, 20163 min read
Can Every Dog Be Rehabilitated?
I recently came across an article in which a dog who was known to be “nervous, growling, and didn’t like children” was sent away for...
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Nicole Wilde
Apr 13, 20163 min read
Do You Expect Your Dog to be Psychic?
Most mornings, my husband and I take our dogs hiking. Because I lug my camera with a ginormous lens in hopes of seeing coyotes, he...
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Nicole Wilde
Mar 14, 20165 min read
Why the Latest Cesar Millan Incident Isn’t Just About a Pig
If you’re involved in the dog world in any way, chances are you’ve heard about the latest incident involving Cesar Millan. In a nutshell,...
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Nicole Wilde
Feb 18, 20163 min read
New Study Reveals Shelter Workers Often Mislabel Dogs as Pit Bulls
A new DNA study led by Dr. Julie Levy, a professor of shelter medicine at UF College of Veterinary Medicine, has shown that many dogs who...
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Nicole Wilde
Jan 19, 20163 min read
Are Trainers and Their Dogs Perfect?
I recently posted on Facebook about my morning at the park with Sierra. I’d had her off leash in a semi-remote area we often frequent,...
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Nicole Wilde
Jan 7, 20163 min read
R-E-S-P-E-C-T Find out What it Means to Me—in Dog Training
A woman I know once told me, “I’d rather be feared than respected.” That was her honest opinion, whether it involved people or animals....
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Nicole Wilde
Nov 2, 20153 min read
The Most Important Thing You Could Ever Teach Your Dog
Ask 100 dog owners what they feel is the one most important thing to teach their dogs, and you’ll get a variety of answers. The owner of...
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Nicole Wilde
Sep 17, 20153 min read
You Know Your Dog Best—And It Could Save His Life
Tuesday afte Tuesday afternoon, after being gone most of the day, I returned home to find Sierra looking strange. She had been acting...
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Nicole Wilde
Jun 9, 20152 min read
An Open Letter to the Man Who Smacked His Dog
Hi there! I passed you this morning while walking my dog along a mountain trail. I’ve seen you with your dog before, and you’ve always...
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Nicole Wilde
May 7, 20152 min read
When Your Dog Says, “Eeeuuu! What’s that Smell?”
My husband calls me a canary in a coal mine. I can walk into a room and, if there is any trace of a scent of a chemical nature, I will...
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Nicole Wilde
Mar 30, 20153 min read
Redirected Aggression in Dogs
As any police officer can tell you, domestic violence calls can be tricky. The officer arrives at the home where a couple’s heated...
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Nicole Wilde
Jan 14, 20152 min read
Do Small Dogs Get Away With More?
Scrolling through my Facebook newsfeed, this headline caught my eye: “Pet Pomeranian Kills 6-Week-Old Baby Girl.” Now, any incident where...
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